First of all what is a Landmine?
The Landmine is a ground-based multi-functional training station can be used in or outside of the gym. You can perform one or two arm movements and other rotational exercises by inserting a Olympic size barbell into the pivoting sleeve at the base of the unit.

Now lets review some of the awesome exercises you can do with a Landmine. We'll start by covering each exercise in detail and then provide a link to a video with all of the exercises for an easy summary
1. The Angled Press
Take a staggered stance with the non-working leg in front. Maintain a slight forward trunk lean throughout. Start with the working arm tucked in at your side while remaining stable throughout the body.
Press the bar forward and up along the natural arc of the landmine. Return your arm/barbell back to the starting position and repeat
2. Landmine Rotations
Landmine Rotations are awesome at training the trunk, hips, and shoulders dynamically and together making it an excellent full body/core movement. This is an great way to build up the obliques and build strength for sports like golf and baseball. Hold the end of the barbell and start with the landmine pressed overhead. With the bar at arms' length, rotate it down to your side by shifting weight into the same-side leg and rotating at the hips and shoulder girdle. Allow the opposite foot to pivot as you rotate. Return to the starting position and then repeat.
3. Landmine Squats
Landmine Squats provide a nice front loaded squat variation with increased stabilization due to the anchoring of the landmine. Grab the end of the barbell atop the chest with elbows pulled down and tucked in at the sides. Squat down and back while keeping the barbell in contact with your chest. Return to standing by driving up and forward.
4. Landmine Thrusters
Landmine Thrusters are an excellent full body exercise that is very similar to a push press.. Start by positioning the barbell in both hands in front of your chest. Once the barbell is in place, squat down while keeping the barbell positioned over the chest. As you begin to squat back up, press the bar to lockout by extending the elbows and flexing the shoulders. Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position in front of your chest and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
5. Landmine Lateral Raise
The Landmine Lateral Raise is an excellent shoulder variation that is kind of a unique combo between a front and side raise. Stand perpendicular to the landmine with the bar in the hand closest to the landmine. From there, keep the arm straight and perform a lateral raise type of motion.
6. Landmine Reverse Lunge
The Landmine Reverse Lunge is a great lower body option as the landmine provides an excellent counter balance allowing for additional loading. Lift the barbell and place the sleeve on the upper shoulder of your lunging leg. Steady the barbell and plates with your hand and initiate the reverse lunging motion. Drive through your front leg to return to the starting position.
7. Landmine Single Leg Romanian Deadlift(SLRD)
Landmine Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts(RDL's) provide for a bit of stability with the anchored barbell slightly increasing loading potential. Align the top of the barbell with the middle of the anchor/working foot and then grab the front of the barbell with the hand opposite the working leg. Hinge forward at the hips, maintaining nearly straight knees throughout the movement. As you hinge, your free leg should travel behind you. Return to the starting position, bringing your free leg back briefly to the floor before initiating the next lift.
8. Landmine Bent Over Row
Landmine Bent Over Rows train the mid-back and posterior delts with a great deal of stability required from the rest of the body. Stand with the barbell running perpendicular to your body in a staggered stance with your outside leg in the front. Take an overhand grip on the front of the barbell and simultaneously pull the front of your shoulder and upper arm away from the floor as you row.
9. Landmine Half Kneeling Angled Press
The Landmine Half Kneeling Angled Press is a great core and delt builder. Kneel on the side opposite your pressing arm. Brace your core and begin with your elbow tucked in at the the working side. Drive the bar up and away before returning to the starting position.
10. Landmine Z-Press
The Z press is an awesome exercise for working the shoulder with as little lower body assistance as possible. Also you'll get some extra core work as a result of the extra stability requirements to execute the press correctly Sit down with legs spread wide, facing the landmine. Start with the working arm tucked in at the side and press forward(slightly horizontal and vertical) along the natural path of the landmine.
11. Landmine Incline Chest Press
The Landmine Incline Chest Press(Floor Press) is a slightly inclined chest press from the floor. Turn your body to the side so it is facing the front of the barbell. Using both hands, cup the head(sleeve) and rotate the barbell into the starting position with the working arm. Press in the natural path of the landmine.
12. Landmine Decline Chest Press
The Landmine Decline Chest Press(Floor Press) now places you in a slightly declined chest pressing position on the floor. Lie alongside the bar with the landmine toward your feet and the end of the barbell lined up approximately with the middle of the chest. Turn your body to the side so it is facing the top of the barbell. Using both hands, cup the head(sleeve) and rotate the barbell into the starting position with the working arm. Press in the natural path of the landmine.
Video of all 12 Landmine Exercises